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First-Gen Scholars

First-Gen Scholars

5 Supporters
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Support our Trailblazing First-Generation Students!

First-Gen Scholars is a cohort program for first-generation students seeking a community at the University of Utah. The program provides scholarships and wrap-around services, including mentoring, workshops, and one-on-one coaching. Our committed advisors focus on fostering students' problem-solving skills and guiding them through life's complexities, ultimately contributing to increased success and retention rates. The program also connects First-gen students with leadership opportunities within our center by offering leadership roles and a peer-mentoring program. Our peer-mentoring program pairs incoming first-year students with established First-gen U student mentors who help them navigate the institution. 
Gifts to the First-Generation Scholars program provide scholarships and leadership positions for first-gen students. 
"First-gen has allowed me to make friends and have a safe place on campus. As a first-generation and non-traditional student, I didn't know my way around the campus or all the resources available to me, but the First-Generation Program makes everything so accessible and welcoming." 

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!