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Humanities Graduate Student Support

Humanities Graduate Student Support

9 Supporters
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Give the gift of empowering minds

and transforming lives this holiday season!

Our Graduate Student Support Fund supports Master’s and PhD students relying on stipends to help cover their living expenses while they are dedicated to graduate work, teaching, research, and more! Stipends can be as little as $25,000 a year, making it incredibly challenging to live in Salt Lake City. We rely on donors to provide additional funds that not only support graduate students with more livable wages but also make it possible for Chairs to recruit sought-after talent alongside other top institutions with competitive packages. We rely on donors like you to help make up the difference and ensure our graduate students are supported. These scholars impact countless lives through their teaching and elevate the entire University with cutting-edge research. 

Thank you for making a tremendous difference, not just for the individual students whose educations are made possible by the fund, but also for the future of research, teaching, community engagement, and societal impact that our graduate students will have throughout their careers. 

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Thank you for supporting Humanities graduate students!

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!