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Impact Scholars

Impact Scholars

3 Supporters
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Support Foster Youth!

In Utah, only three percent of foster alumni will attend higher education. Of the three percent who make it to college, fewer than one percent will graduate. Each year, many age out unprepared for independence or higher education, with more than half becoming homeless, incarcerated, teenage parents, or reliant on welfare within two years. To better support former foster youth transitioning into higher education, the U launched a program called Impact Scholars in 2019.

Impact Scholars is an Undergraduate program that supports individuals with fostercare experience. The program offers multi-year holistic support, including mentorship, advising, scholarships, community, and leadership development. Scholarships are awarded to students to use for tuition, room and board, and other educational expenses as needed.

Students who participate in Impact Scholars have reported that the program "Significantly increases their likelihood of continuing their education at the U of U."

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